Refers to the mineral composition of emerald crystal surface and cleavage plane of When the composition of the mineral particles thick jade, particularly evident. 是指组成翡翠的矿物晶面及解理面在翠面的片状闪光。
Mineral powders are good crystalline, and they break along the cleavage plane when they are comminuted, which cause the mineral powders have flat surfaces and sharp edge angles. 但是由于矿物晶体粉碎过程中表现出沿解理面解理破裂的强烈倾向,使得矿物粉体表面具有平整的解理面及尖锐的棱角。
Ultrahigh piezoelectric response along some special cleavage plane in BaTiO_3 single-crystals 钛酸钡单晶沿垂直解理面方向的超高压电响应的研究
Apatite has the same surface active point Ca~ ( 2+), as calcite. The density difference of Ca~ ( 2+) on the cleavage plane between apatite and calcite leads to different floatability. 磷灰石、方解石具有相同的表面活性质点Ca~(2+),由于解理面上Ca~(2+)密度不同导致矿物可浮性的差异。
While there are only a few chemical bonds on the talc cross section, the main interaction between PSE and surface of talc on the cleavage plane is hydrogen bond. PSE在滑石解离面的主要吸附机理是PSE的硅醇基与滑石解理面上的氧原子形成氢键;
Newly-formed syntectonic mineral assemblage along cleavage plane and clastic grain deformation characteristics indicates that the cleavages were formed at the low greenschist facies conditions in the middle-upper crustal level and were featured by ductile-brittle deformation. 沿着劈理面同构造新生矿物组合和碎屑颗粒变形特征表明,劈理形成于地壳中浅部构造层次上的低绿片岩相条件下,以韧脆性变形机制为主。
In Polycrystalline Diamond Compact, the diamond crystal shows: unordered arrange, isotropy, and overcome the shortcomings as subsize, anisotropy, having cleavage plane of diamond monocrystal and so on. 在金刚石复合片中金刚石晶体呈无序排列,各向同性,克服了金刚石单晶体积小、各向异性等缺点。
The X-ray diffraction pattern of the cleavage plane of the sample fabricated under the more ideal conditions shows that the preferentially aligned along the a-b plane. 在较为理想条件下制备的样品,其劈裂面的X-射线衍射表明有很好的晶胞c轴垂直于劈裂面的取向。
All samples fracture in a cleavage mode and the cleavage plane is found to be { 100}. 所有试样都是以解理方式断裂的,解理面是{100}。
According to the experiments, it can be concluded that the state of mineral cleavage plane, the bridging function of the group on the surface of Nocardia and the electrostatic force are important factors. 矿物解理面状态、Nocardia表面基团的桥连作用和静电力是导致选择性吸附的关键。
Its grains present disorderly arrangement and isotropy, and it overcomes the easy vulnerability of cBN single crystal attributed to the existence of cleavage plane. 其晶粒无序排列,各向同性,克服了cBN单晶解理面的存在而导致的易脆弱性。